Behind-the-scenes, our Chaplains can meet one on one with your team members who might need to debrief after a challenging and emotional incident, or even those struggling outside of work. We provide a listening ear and a ‘safe place’ for staff to share their emotions, and offer hope, strength, and guidance to overcome difficult times.

Hospitalizaiton can be a time of great stress for the patient and their family members. Our caring team members are available for hospital visits to minister to those in need of comfort and prayer.
Our team works with families and funeral homes to provide Christian funeral services for anyone who has lost a loved one. Our team is ready to assist with funeral arrangements.

Our Corporate Chaplain can help your staff by giving them a safe outlet for their stress and struggles, and by helping them to overcome difficult work and home-life situations. We provide support through caregiving, crisis intervention, and critical incident care. We come alongside staff to help decrease turnover and increase morale. Learn more here.